In 2017 Steven Turner was appointed Network Coordinator for ICDF Youth Network. Having been CDFB Youth Coordinator for many years.

The ICDF Network for Youth Dance is for teenagers and young adults who dance. Being a member provides an opportunity to connect and share ideas together enabling youth, across the globe, to keep creating new innovative dances in the name of Jesus and to support each other as they do so.


Christians passionate in expressing and deepening their faith in and through dance formed in 1988 the network International Christian Dance Fellowship (ICDF). It is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers and supporters who freely give of their time, gifts and financial contributions.

My choreographies are based on my worldview and experience; there is an almighty, loving, sacrificial God – seen in the life of Christ Jesus.Iris-Mirjam Behnke, Choreographer

The visionary and founder, Mary Jones, originally formed this community in Australia in 1978 which has now grown to have connections in over 30 countries.

This community is international, non-denominational and multicultural, it embraces all ages, is open to all styles of dance and cuts across all training and abilities. The ICDF is a community with the vision of making new connections and creating spaces for the diversity among the members and friends of the organisation.

Are Youth the Church of Tomorrow?

It can be easy to see young people as the church of tomorrow but at what point do they become the church
of today? Youth can be a funny age as you are no longer a child but you are still not always legally able to do everything an adult can do. However I believe there is tremendous potential in the youth to help the church of today develop.

In the Bible God works with people of all ages. Some commentaries suggest that Mary was as young as 12 when she gave birth to Jesus. Not even a teenager but God was prepared to use her for such an important role in the story He was creating. There is no junior Holy Spirit and so God is speaking just as much to the youth as He is to other generations in the church .Why not try encouraging and supporting the youth around you so we can all benefit from their energy and creativity . They are part of the church of today as well as the church of tomorrow.

Last week I was at an Encounter evening with opportunities to paint, dance and sing as well as lots of other ways to creatively engage with our Heavenly Father. Two teenagers gave me pictures they had painted and explained how God had shown them the picture and prophetic meaning during the worship, and how the colours had different meanings. It is very exciting to see how God is using all generations to further His Kingdom in a creative way.

– Steven Turner